It’s easy for a Gemini to accidentally hurt a Pisces’ feelings when really, they were just in a silly, goofy mood! Gem keeps things light and airy, while Pisces is one of the most emotional signs of the zodiac-and unlike Scorpio, Pisces wear their hearts on their sleeves. Similarly, Gemini can struggle to vibe with Pisces. Gem can find Virgo overly structured, while Virgo can find Gemini flaky. Perfectionist Virgo loves to keep a detailed schedule, while Gemini can be more spontaneous.

Remember how I said Gemini was super playful? Yeah, that means Gems can find it a challenge to connect with a more serious sign like Virgo. Here Are Your Sign’s 4 Best Romantic Matches.Which means together, they can see the whole picture!Īnd of course, Geminis love to date fellow Geminis! A fellow Gem is the best person to keep up with his playful wit, brilliant mind, and endless curiosity. Both signs are curious and love to travel, but Sag is all about the big picture, whereas Gemini is more detail-oriented. Gemini can find opposites-attract-style chemistry with his zodiacal opposite, Sagittarius. These are two trendsetter signs, so don’t be surprised if they make the perfect influencer couple. Both signs thrive in social situations and have a fun, playful energy. This is a total power couple!įire sign Aries can sometimes appeal to Gemini’s sense of creativity. And although they’re the center of any party, they both have a brainy side and can get into intellectual convos or debates that will leave the rest of us lost. Gemini also clicks with fellow air sign Libra-they both value communication and really *get* each other. They might not understand each other, but they’re fascinated by each other, which is even better. A Scorpio won’t think twice about Gemini until they’re absolutely positive that they’re willing to commit though.įor similar reasons, Aquarius is another good match-this air sign has a unique and complicated personality that keeps Gemini coming back for more. They have endless depth that piques Gemini’s natural curiosity. When it comes to compatibility, Scorpios are a great match for Geminis. If You’re a Gemini, You Need These Crystals.If you’re dating or crushing on a Gemini man, behold the comprehensive guide to navigating him. But remember that if your Sun signs aren’t “compatible,” it doesn’t mean you’re doomed! The rest of your charts might be a better fit, and if not, astrological tension sometime equates to sexual tension, in the best way. Oh, and if your Sun signs mesh well, then congrats! Go forward with the knowledge that you’re basically two peas in a pod. It can be fun and informative to look up his sign and how yours works with his. Astrology helps us break down personality traits, pet peeves, and, yes, even dating patterns.

Knowing a potential boo’s zodiac sign can really help in understanding his behavior. So if you’ve found yourself smitten with a man born from May 21 to June 20, look no further! What’s he looking for? Where is he from? What does he do for a living? Oh, and most definitely, when’s his birthday? This isn’t just for remembering when to send that “happy b-day :)” text!įor guys born under the sign of Gemini, there sure is a lot to know. There are just a few basics that need to be explored when you first start dating someone new. For more deets on Gemini compatibility, check out our guide to dating a Gemini woman and our gender-neutral guide to dating a Gemini. Astrology can help us understand more about ourselves and the people we love/date/hopelessly crush on-no matter their gender.